Edition Aug 4th-5th, 2023

NOI Hackathon Summer Edition


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DataPeak is a demo app designed to visualize data acquired from Open Data Hub, utilizing the versatile capabilities of React Native for its frontend and Python Flask for its middleware.

This advanced setup allows users to interact with and understand data more efficiently with a strong focus on usability.



- The app retrieves data from Open Data hub on demand (data is not preloaded into the App)
- Possibility to filter different data sets taking advantage of Open Data Hub structure
- Visualization using:

  - Map
  - List
  - Chart

- Look and feel to resemble the provided Figma prototype
- App data-independent: visualize with same component different APIs
- Middleware based on Python Flask for data pre-processing for merging multiple datasets and improving performance.


Video demo: https://vimeo.com/851882392



